PHNG Laboratory for Vascular Morphogenesis
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Kondrychyn I, He L, Haymar Wint, Betsholtz C, Phng LK
Combined forces of hydrostatic pressure and actin polymerization drive endothelial tip cell migration and sprouting angiogenesis
eLife doi: (2025)

Stephan Huveneers and Li-Kun Phng
Endothelial cell mechanics and dynamics in angiogenesis
Current Opinion in Cell Biology doi: (2024)

Li-Kun Phng, Benjamin M. Hogan
Endothelial cell transitions in zebrafish vascular development,
Development, Growth & Differentiation doi: (2024)

Maung Ye SS and Phng LK
A cell-and-plasma numerical model reveals hemodynamic stress and flow adaptation in zebrafish microvessels after morphological alteration.
PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011665 (2023)

Maung Ye SS, Kim KJ, Carretero NT and Phng LK
High-throughput imaging of blood flow reveals developmental changes in distribution patterns of hemodynamic quantities in developing zebrafish.
Frontiers in Physiology doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.881929 (2022)

Phng LK,and Belting HG.
Endothelial cell mechanics and blood flow forces in vascular morphogenesis.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 120, 32-43 (2021)

Kondrychyn I, Kelly DJ, Taberner Carretero N, Nomori A, Kato K, Chong J, Nakajima H, Okuda S, Mochizuki N and Phng LK.
Marcksl1 modulates endothelial cell mechanoresponse to haemodynamic forces to control blood vessel shape and size.

Phng LK,
Endothelial cell dynamics during blood vessel morphogenesis.
Book chapter in Zebrafish, Medaka and Other Small Fishes.

Mathivet T, Bouleti C, Van Woensel M, Stanchi F, Verschuere T, Phng LK, Dejaegher J, Balcer M, Matsumoto K, Georgieva PB, Belmans J, Sciot R, Stockmann C, Mazzone M, De Vleeschouwer S, Gerhardt H.
Dynamic stroma reorganization drives blood vessel dysmorphia during glioma growth.
EMBO MOL MED 9, 1629-1645 (2017)

Gebala V, Collins R, Geudens I, Phng LK* and Gerhardt H*,
Blood flow drives lumen formation by inverse membrane blebbing during angiogenesis in vivo.
NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 18 (4), 443 – 451. (2016) * equal contribution

Franco CA, Jones ML, Bernabeu MO, Geudens I, Mathivet T, Rosa A, Lopes FM, Lima AP, Ragab A, Collins RT, Phng LK, Coveney PV and Gerhardt G.
Dynamic endothelial cell rearrangements drive developmental vessel regression.
PLOS BIOLOGY 13(4):e1002125 (2015)

Phng LK,Gebala V, Bentley K, Philippides A, Wacker A, Mathivet T, Sauteur L, Stanchi S, HG Belting, Affolter M, Gerhardt H.
Formin-mediated actin polymerization at endothelial junctions is required for vessel lumen formation and stabilization.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 32, 123 -132 (2015)

Wacker A, Gerhardt H and Phng LK,
Tissue guidance without filopodia.

Phng LK, Stanchi F and Gerhardt H,
Filopodia are dispensable for endothelial tip cell guidance.
DEVELOPMENT 140, 4031-4040 (2013)

De Bock K, Georgiadou M, Schoors S, Kuchnio A, Wong BW, Cantelmo AR, Quaegebeur A, Ghesquière B, Cauwenberghs S, Eelen G, Phng LK, Betz I, Tembuyser B, Brepoels K, Welti J, Geudens I, Segura I, Cruys B, Bifari F, Decimo I, Blanco R, Wyns S, Vangindertael J, Rocha S, Collins RT, Munck S, Daelemans D, Imamura H, Devlieger R, Rider M, Van Veldhoven PP, Schuit F, Bartrons R, Hofkens J, Fraisl P, Telang S, Deberardinis RJ, Schoonjans L, Vinckier S, Chesney J, Gerhardt H, Dewerchin M, Carmeliet P.
Role of PFKFB3-driven glycolysis in vessel sprouting.
CELL 154, 651-663 (2013)

Guarani V, Deflorian G, Franco CA, Krüger M, Phng LK, Bentley K, Toussaint L, Dequiedt F, Mostoslavsky R, Schmidt MH, Zimmermann B, Brandes RP, Mione M, Westphal CH, Braun T, Zeiher AM, Gerhardt H, Dimmeler S, Potente M.,
Acetylation-dependent regulation of endothelial Notch signalling by the SIRT1 deacetylase.
NATURE 473, 234-238 (2011)

Phng LK and Gerhardt H,
Angiogenesis: a team effort coordinated by Notch.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 16, 196-208 (2009)

Phng LK, Potente M, Leslie JD, Babbage J, Nyqvist D, Lobov I, Ondr JK, Rao S, Lang RA, Thurston G, Gerhardt H.
Nrarp coordinates endothelial Notch and Wnt signalling to control vessel density in angiogenesis.
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 16, 70-82 (2009)

Graupera M, Guillermet-Guibert J, Foukas LC, Phng LK, Cain RJ, Salpekar A, Pearce W, Meek S, Millan J, Cutillas PR, Smith AJ, Ridley AJ, Ruhrberg C, Gerhardt H, Vanhaesebroeck B.
Angiogenesis selectively requires the p110 isoform of PI3-kinase to control endothelial cell migration.
NATURE 453, 662-666 (2008)

Hellström M, Phng LK and Gerhardt H,
VEGF and Notch signaling – The Yin and Yang of angiogenic sprouting.

Hellström M, Phng LK, Hofmann JJ, Wallgard E, Coultas L, Lindblom P, Alva J, Nilsson AK, Karlsson L, Gaiano N, Yoon K, Rossant J, Iruela-Arispe ML, Kalén M, Gerhardt H, Betsholtz C.,
Dll4 signalling through Notch1 regulates formation of tip cells during angiogenesis.
NATURE 445, 776-780 (2007)

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